Hello small biz owner! Partner with OBL CLUB to have your products tested by our community of passionate green beauty lovers and have product reviews published on THE online destination for green beauty reviews!


We get your products directly into the hands of your ideal consumer — green beauty fans & influencers. Sit back and watch them fall in love with your brand.


Word-of-mouth and social media are powerful marketing tools. We let the green beauty community know who you are so they can get to work at bringing your products and brand to life.


In today’s world, real reviews are a dime a dozen. Our members pen insightful reviews that boost conversion around your products.

By partnering up with OBL CLUB you ensure that your products are exposed to a passionate community who are specifically searching green beauty products, your products. Reviews for your products will be published on a dedicated platform for discovering green beauty products. Gain your potential customers’ trust with reviews from real people published on the OBL CLUB platform and increase your brand exposure. Reviews from real people make a huge impact on customers’ purchase decisions. When your potential customers see reviews from our testers – real people – on OBL CLUB combined with their social media outlets, they will gain more confidence in your products and whether or not they are right for them.

Members of OBL CLUB are given the opportunity to apply for products they know will suit their needs and that they will hopefully love. We wanted to create an opportunity for the community to test products, but also to know what they’re getting. This service is very different to the ever-popular subscription boxes where testers have no idea what they’re getting, if it suits their skin type, and if they even like the type of product.

OBL CLUB gets your products into the hands of only the people who believe the product will suit them and therefor will be able to produce genuine reviews.

By partnering with OBL CLUB you can also have your products tested by our dedicated testers and receive the reviews privately to help inform your product development.

OBL CLUB is set to become the only online source for trusted green beauty product reviews from the community of passionate green beauty lovers, so join us, and get your products into the hands of your customers.

OBL CLUB is a multi-use platform that aims to propel the green beauty movement.

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